16 may 2016

How PISA Is Changing to Reflect 21st Century Workforce Needs and Skills

Andreas Schleicher, the director for the Directorate of Education and Skills at the OECD, believes he has the answers. “We look very carefully at how the world and the skills that people need are changing and then we try to reflect that in our measure,” says the German statistician who has been involved with PISA since its beginning.

We look at the skills that are important for the success of people and we make sure this is appropriate for the 80 countries that take part of PISA.


Technology can always make good teaching better, but it cannot replace poor teaching. Putting technology on top of traditional teaching will not improve traditional teaching.

Collaborative problem solving (CPS)

 Skills for Social Progress

Students, Computers and Learning

Low-Performing Students

Why They Fall Behind and How To Help Them Succeed 

PISA Estudiantes de bajo rendimiento 

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