23 ene 2014

Who are the school truants?

Across OECD countries, 18% of students skipped classes at least once in the two weeks

prior to the PISA test, and 15% of students skipped a day of school or more over

the same period.

Few students in high-performing school systems skip classes or days of school.

For students in OECD countries, skipping classes is associated with a 32-point lower

score in mathematics, while skipping days of school is associated with a 52-point

lower score.

Truancy is observed among all students, whether advantaged or disadvantaged.
Results from PISA 2012 show that playing truant is negatively
associated with student performance. Results also show that students are less
likely to play truant when they are engaged with school. Parents and teachers
can nurture students’ engagement with and at school by holding high expectations
for their children/students and by being more engaged, themselves, in their
children’s/students’ lives.


7 ene 2014

Sistema Vasco de Indicadores Educativos 2013

Euskadi acredita el menor abandono escolar de las dos últimas décadas

La comunidad reduce los niveles de fracaso educativo al 7,7% el pasado curso.


Hezkuntzako Adierazleen Euskal Sistema 2013


Sistema Vasco de Indicadores Educativos 2013


C1. Proporción de población (joven) en edad escolarizable.
C2. PIB per cápita.
C3. Relación de la población con la actividad económica.
C6. Participación en el aprendizaje permanente.
P1: Tareas directivas
Rs2.1: esultados académicos al finalizar el primer ciclo de la ESO.
Rs3: Resultados académicos al finalizar la ESO.
Rs4: Evolución de los resultados académicos en la enseñanza obligatoria.
Rs5: Abandono escolar prematuro.
Rs7: Graduados en Ciencia y Tecnología.
Rs8: Finalización de la Secundaria Postobligatoria.
Rs11: Titulados en Educación Superior (universitaria y no universitaria).


la masculinización de ciertas ramas científicas sigue siendo la tarea pendiente de la CAV.