2 ago 2013

Big data and PISA: Andreas Schleicher en el Congreso de los Diputados apoyando la LOMCE

(..)The prerequisite for using big data as a catalyst to change education practice is to get out of the “read-only” mode of our societies. It’s about combining transparency with collaboration. The way in which educational institutions often work is that you have a single expert sitting somewhere in a corner who determines the application of rules and regulations affecting hundreds of thousands of students and teachers – and nobody can figure out how those decisions were made. Big data can lead to big trust if we make that data available, train civic innovators, experiment, create a maker culture. It is no surprise that OECD’s new Survey of Adult Skills shows that the more proficient people are in literacy, the more they trust others.

The Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC)

(..)This year we put in place a kind of “MyPISA” – PISA-type instruments that we circulated out into the field. The PISA based test for schools provides comparisons with other schools anywhere else in the world, schools that are similar to them or schools that are very different.

PISA-Based Test for Schools

Andreas Schleicher

Intervención de D. Andreas Schleicher en el Congreso de los Diputados para informar en relación al Proyecto de Ley Orgánica para la mejora de la calidad educativa.

PISA para Centros Educativos (PISA for Schools)Carámbanos con Wert


El responsable de PISA respalda la reforma educativa

Andreas Schleicher defiende las reválidas para "mejorar el rendimiento" y apuesta por los ranking de centros que contempla la Lomce.ABC. Andreas Schleicher ha indicado que las evaluaciones externas son una de las herramientas "más poderosas" para hacer más eficaces los sistemas educativos.Magisnet.
Andreas Schleicher defiende en el Congreso la reforma educativa que hoy se somete a once enmiendas a la totalidad de la oposición . La Voz digital.
Schleicher: “El sistema de ‘ranking’ de la LOMCE puede ser perjudicial”.El Pais,

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