25 abr 2016

eitb focus - Educación

La ciudadanía vasca opta por la enseñanza pública en modelo D

Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba. Impulsor de la LOGSE. Ministro de Educación entre 1992 y 1993

Pilar del Castillo. Ministra de Educación entre 2000 y 2004. Impulsora de la LOCE

Ángel Gabilondo. Ministro de Educación entre 2009 y 2011. Impulsor de un pacto educativo

José Ignacio Wert. Ministro de Educación entre 2011 y 2015. Impulsor de la LOMCE

Federico Mayor Zaragoza. Ministro de Educación entre 1981 y 1982. Impulsor de la LGE


EITB-focus: sistema educativo vasco

El ex consejero de Educación Tontxu Campos, el ex rector de la EHU-UPV Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias, el director de Santamaria ikastetxea de Portugalete Alfonso blázquez y el director de Lezo Herri Eskola Iñigo Salaberria debaten sobre los resultados de la encuestra EITB-Focus en torno a la percepción que la sociedad vasac tiene del sistema educativo, la reivindicación de una Ley Vasca de Educación, la calidad de la Enseñanza pública y la privada. la presencia de emigrantes en las aulas y el agotamiento del sistema de modelos lingüísticos.

22 abr 2016

How well are teachers doing in solving problems using ICT?

How well are teachers doing in solving problems using ICT? 

The most recent Education Indicators in Focus brief compares teachers’ ICT and problem-solving skills with those of the working population as a whole and with other tertiary-educated professionals. 

New generations of teachers who are better trained and who participate in professional development activities throughout their careers will probably be able to adopt innovative practices that are more suited to 21st-century learning environments. Governments should not blame older teachers for having poor problem-solving and ICT skills; equally, they cannot afford to miss the opportunity to fill the teaching posts left vacant by retirees with younger, more tech-savvy problem solvers. -

Innovative Teaching for Effective Learning (ITEL) - Teacher Knowledge Survey

19 abr 2016

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La actriz porno Rebeca Linares, ¿Tambor de Oro 2012?

Un grupo de Facebook con más de 1.000 miembros propone a la actriz nacida en la capital donostiarra para ser galardonada.

Rebeca Linares se confiesa

16 abr 2016

What does low proficiency in literacy really mean? Adult Skills in Focus

What doeslow proficiencyin literacyreally mean?

In designing policies and programmes targeting populations with poor literacy skills, it is important to take into account differences in the level of these skills within and among these populations. For example, native speakers of the mainstream language may require different language-development training than non-native speakers; and most adults who have poor literacy skills have more trouble comprehending what they read than recognising individual words. Also, low proficiency populations across countries differ in the level of their basic reading skills and will thus require varying degree of assistance in the basic literacy training. Countries can use the evidence gathered through the Survey of Adult Skills to finetune their assistance to the least proficient adults.

PISA results show that reading to children when they are very young is strongly related to how well those children read and how much they enjoy reading later on. In short, many types of parental involvement that are associated with better literacy skills require relatively little time and no specialised knowledge. - 

13 abr 2016




Gerald Foos bought a motel in order to watch his guests having sex. He saw a lot more than that.

6 abr 2016

How Bad Is Being Poor for Educational Performance? -PISA 2012

Equality of opportunity is a lofty ideal, but some societies get closer to achieving it than others. Regarding compulsory education, results from PISA show that socio-economically disadvantaged students in the OECD have much higher chances of being low performers than their socio-economically advantaged peers. And also, that they have much lower chances of being high performers.

(..) disadvantaged students are four times more likely to have competencies that put them at risk for their future participation in the labour market and society more broadly. In contrast, advantaged students are five times more likely than their disadvantaged peers to enjoy competencies that give them much better chances for the future.

- See more at: http://oecdeducationtoday.blogspot.com.es/2016/04/how-far-from-tree-does-leaf-fall.html#sthash.AGc50Sa4.dpuf

How Bad Is Being Poor for Educational Performance?  
A Message from PISA 2012, by Antonio Villar  -