27 dic 2009

A historic moment

Friend --

Although it's Christmas Eve, I wanted to share some exciting news: The Senate just passed a historic health reform bill.

In all the back and forth, it's easy to lose sight of what this incredible breakthrough really means. But consider this: This Christmas, there are millions of Americans without health insurance who risk losing everything if they get sick.

There are mothers and fathers who wonder how they'll provide for their children because an illness has wiped out their savings. There are small business owners who worry that they'll have to lay off a long-time employee because the cost of insurance is rapidly rising.

If we finish the job, all this can change. We will have beaten back the special interests who have for so long perpetuated the status quo. We will have enacted the most important piece of social policy since the Social Security Act in the 1930s, and the most important health reform since Medicare in the 1960s.

In Decembers to come, millions more will have access to affordable coverage. Parents will have the security and stability of knowing their insurance can't be revoked at a moment's notice. And the skyrocketing costs plaguing our small businesses will be brought under control.

When you make calls, write letters, organize, this is the change you're making -- a better life for your family and for men and women in every state.

There is still more to do before I can sign reform into law -- a last round of negotiations and final votes in the Senate and the House -- and I'm counting on your help every step of the way. But for now, I hope that as you celebrate this holiday season, you remember that the work you are doing is making our union more perfect, one step at a time. For that, I am grateful to you.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays,

President Barack Obama

P.S. -- Organizing for America supporters are signing a note of appreciation to all the senators who have worked so hard to make this possible. I hope you'll join them:


18 dic 2009

La bolsa de Navidad: una tradicion obrera

A mediados de Diciembre "un rumor" recorre "la margen izquierda", la bolsa de "Navidad" de la Naval"-Astilleros Españoles S.A- IZAR Sestao esta al caer. Trabajador@s, jubilad@s, viudas, familiares, amigos, antiguos compañeros se movilizan para que nadie se quede sin ella.

El reparto analogico de las condiciones estrictas y dias para su regogida,para la que es necesario ir en coche, rememora toda una historia de la lucha por incluir "la bolsa de Navidad" en el convenio. Ha sido bolsa de viaje, mochila y su contenido mayor o menor ha variado.Pero la tradición se mantiene. El "comite de empresa" reparte y controla excrupulosamnete su reparto en un almacen austero.

Muchos, quizas demasiados recuerdos.

Gabonak eta Urte Berri On 2010 irakurleontzat.

Felices Fiestas y prospero Año Nuevo 2010 para mis lectores.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010 for my readers.

Soldier of love: Sade

Sade’s brand new single – “Soldier Of Love”

my space
Estamos poniendo las bases de una profundísima transformación tecnológica de la escuela

Isabel Celaá es la consejera de Educación, Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno Vasco y está plenamente convencida de que el Sistema Educativo Vasco tiene que modernizarse. Está en sus manos hacer lo posible para conducir a la escuela hasta esa modernidad deseada. Para ello cuenta, entre otras cosas, con el programa Eskola 2.0 y con una inversión de capital muy importante. Celaá nos recibe en la sede del Parlamente Vasco en Vitoria-Gasteiz, en medio de una comparecencia parlamentaria, donde da respuesta a las preguntas que le vamos planteando.


Eskola 2.0:Red social para la Educación 2.0.

15 dic 2009

Desvelando el misterio gris

Desentrañar el cerebro

Científicos de todo el mundo ponen en marcha el Proyecto Conectoma

El hombre que no pudo recordar (VIA_LA PETTITE CLAUDINE)


El cerebro conoce la intención de las acciones ajenas:neuronas espejo.

Viaje al corazón de la desmemoria (VIA_FOGONAZOS)

El olvido

En la oración gramatical "no hay mal que por bien no venga", resulta difícil, por ejemplo, separar el mal sin cargarse el bien. Los malos recuerdos crean, con los buenos, alianzas sintácticas de complicado desmontaje

9 dic 2009

The Top 10 Everything of 2009

High Hombres

If you want to get high in Spain, just walk outside. In May, an air-quality test conducted by the state-run Superior Council of Scientific Investigations found trace amounts of several drugs, including cocaine and lysergic acid (a component of LSD), in air samples taken outdoors in Madrid and Barcelona. To be fair, the Madrid sample was taken near a dilapidated building inhabited by drug dealers, while Barcelona's was taken near a university. (Oh, those college students!) But the U.S. State Department ranks Spain as the largest cocaine consumer in Europe, and the trace amounts of drugs in the air were greater than those tested in other countries. So can you really get high by breathing deeply in Spain? Hardly. Drug amounts registered between 29 and 850 picograms — a picogram is one-trillionth of a gram — per cubic meter of air.

Madrid está entre las ciudades más 'verdes' de Europa

Francis Bacon: A Centenary Retrospective

Cat Gets Swine Flu

Spain Debates a Ban on Bullfighting

The World's Weirdest Fish

'Save the Women and Children ... and My Bonus Too'

Our Oldest Ancestor, "Ardi"

The future of capitalism: Building a sustainable energy future

As global climate talks get underway in Copenhagen, questions of a sustainable energy future will come to the fore as participants discuss the challenges from rising demand, affordability, and energy security. Should we focus on energy efficiency solutions? Where should we place our innovation bets? How can we align public policy to match our energy goals?

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon concurs: “Nothing that has come out in the public as a result of the recent email hackings has cast doubt on the basic scientific message on climate change and that message is quite clear – that climate is changing much, much faster than we realized and we human beings are the primary cause,”

Science and Politics of Climate Change

7 dic 2009

Kafka y la metamorfosis de Lady Gaga: Avatar

El mundo de los avatares viene en 3D.

(..)"O bien es fijado el fin al sistema desde fuera como un estado, o bien es entendido en los términos inadecuados de autoproducción y neguentropía".

Los señores del aire.

6 dic 2009

Getxoarte 2009: mirando a CHINA

GONZÁLEZ IBÁÑEZ, Edurne (Dinastía Trini) Sestao, 1980
SILES CEBALLOS, Laurita (Dinastía Trini) Málaga, 1981

Metacal III. Bodegón

GARCÍA HERRERA, Gorka Jerez de la Frontera, 1982

ORTELLS IGARTUA, Ainhoa Getxo, 1985

Esto me gustó.

2 dic 2009

Imagine with HBO: TV and Internet konexion

TOMÀS DELCLÓS sustituye a nuestro muy leído y premiado Enric González.

(..)HBO, la emisora de televisión norteamericana que con sus series está en la cúspide del prestigio, no quiere perder posiciones y sigue probando. Lo hace con Imagine, una ficción que sólo puede verse por Internet. No es que HBO no quiera emitirla. Es que está pensada para la Red. Para que el espectador navegue, elija los materiales fragmentados de una historia y reconstruya el argumento.

Si ya estabamos enganchados a "Perdidos" y hemos estado imaginando por donde nos llevaban los guionistas, descanso hasta febrero. Ahora parece que hay que trabajarselo en forma de "puzzle". Tecnología, english, intertextualidad, puntos de vista diferentes,etc. Igual no aprobamos la ESO de la Celaá.

Disfruten innovando: HBO Imagine: It's an HBO Brand Experience.