10 may 2009

All iron, All iron , Athletic txapelduna (I)

La palabra Alirón, tan unida al Athletic, tiene su origen en la expresión británica "all iron". Era el grito de júbilo de los mineros a finales del siglo XIX en las antiguas minas de hierro de bizkaia. Cuando entraban hierro llamaban a los ingenieros (británicos) y estos lo verificaban. Si el hierro era auténtico los ingenieros escribían a tiza en el hierro "all iron" (todo hierro). Entonces los mineros entonaban el Al(l)iron, Al(l)iron, porque ese día era especial: cobraban más o tenían fiesta. All Iron simboliza la fuerza del hierro y la fiesta tras un logro.
Triano, la cuna del 'alirón'

ALIRON hitza, gure Athletici hain lotuta dagoena, “ALL IRON” adierazpen britaniarretik dator. XIX mende amaieran Bizkaiko meategietan meatzarien zoramen oihua zen “Aliron”a.Meatzariek kalitate bikaineko burdina topatzen zutenean ingeniariei -normalean britaniarrak zirenak-, deitzen zieten eta hauek egiaztatzen zuten ea zer zen. Burdina benetakoa eta kalitete handikoa bazen, ingenariek burdin gainean klarionaz “ALL IRON” hitza idazten zuten. Une horretantxe meatzariek abezten zuten: ALIRON ALIRON ..., egun hori berezia zelako, eta, gainera, kasuz kasu, egun libre bat, ez ohiko dirua edo zerbait berezia ematen zieten.

All Iron-ek, alde batetik, burdinaren indarra adierazten du; eta, beste aldetik, lorpen baten ondorengo jaia.

Athleticen Ereserkia

El Athletic tendrá un himno en la final de Copa

The Word Alirón, fundamental to the history of Athletic Club de Bilbao, originates from the British expression "all iron". It was the miners' joyous shout at the end of the nineteenth century in the old iron mines of Biskaia.
When the miners found iron they would cry out "Alirón" to the engineers to write "All iron" in chalk onto the iron.
The shout of Alirón signalled a special day as the miners would either earn more money or have a Fiesta.
All Iron symbolizes the strength of the iron and also the celebration after discovering it.
Athletic, you´ll never walk alone

25 Years since last title

Tuesday, 5 May, just a few days before this year’s Copa Final, marks the 25th anniversary of the last Copa title conquered by Athletic Club, against FC Barcelona to be more precise. To recall that event, the feats of that 1983/1984 season and those of the previous season, our website offers the possibility to enjoy images of the most important matches and the later reception onboard the barge. Also included is a little-known recording of the Junior Copa final disputed against Real Madrid in 1981 and in which were present some of the players that would later be proclaimed champions.

Domingo 10-05-2009 11:00
San Mamés (puerta abierta)

13-05-2009 22:00
Valencia (Mestalla)

Athleticmania Bizkaia osoan

XABIER AIERDI Profesor de Sociología de la Universidad del País Vasco
"El Athletic no resiste la globalización"

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