18 jun 2009

Primeros datos comparativos a nivel internacional sobre las condiciones que afectan a los docentes en las escuelas

- In most countries, the large majority of teachers are satisfied with their jobs and consider that they make a significant educational difference for their students. Teachers are also investing in their professional development, both in terms of their time and often also in terms of money, an investment which goes hand in hand with a wider repertoire of pedagogic strategies used in the classroom. It is worrying that, on average across countries, three-quarters of teachers report that they would receive no recognition for increasing the quality of their work or for being more innovative in their teaching. In fact, three-quarters of teachers say that, in their school, the most effective teachers do not receive the most recognition and that their school principal does not take steps to alter the monetary rewards of a persistently underperforming teacher.

- Relatively few teachers participate in the kinds of professional development which they find has the largest impact on their work.

- Teachers in most countries report using traditional practices aimed at transmitting knowledge in structured settings much more often than they use student-oriented practices.

- Effective school leadership plays a vital role in teachers’ working lives and that it can make an important contribution to shaping the development of teachers.

La creación de entornos eficaces de enseñanza y aprendizaje.Síntesis de los primeros resultados.

El 16% de las clases en España se pierde en imponer orden.(..),la indisciplina dificulta las clases al 70% de los docentes.

(..)Los profesores responden por lo general de manera positiva a la evaluación y el retorno de información sobre su trabajo (Tabla 5.7a). Tienden a informar de que son justos y que les sirven de ayuda en su trabajo, que aumentan su satisfacción laboral.

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