31 may 2017

Why are immigrants less proficient in literacy than native-born adults?

Why are immigrants less proficient in literacy than native-born adults? 

Immigrants have weaker literacy skills than native-born adults on average and the gap is the equivalent of 3.5 years of schooling.

 On average, about two-thirds of the difference in literacy proficiency between foreignborn and native-born adults is explained by how well immigrants have mastered the host country’s language and where they acquired their highest qualification.

 Long-settled immigrants and those who arrived in their host country as young children have better literacy proficiency than other groups of immigrants.

Results from the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) confirm that mastery of the host country’s language is essential if immigrants are to integrate successfully into their new communities and into the host country’s labour market. Given these findings, host countries could design and implement policies to provide language training to immigrants as soon as feasible after they arrive. This is particularly important for immigrant children, who can then attend school with their native-born peers.

27 may 2017

Bernardo Atxaga - Muskerraren bidea

Bernardo Atxaga - Muskerraren bidea

Asteasun Obaba munduarekin egindako ibilbidea zoragarria izan zen Atxaga duen duintasuna hizlari bezala  aparta da. 

Has gaitezen batzuekin:

Ibilera bakante bat mundura zabaltasunera. Elizaren ondoan kampainak jotzen hasi zirenean honako pasadizua kontatu zuen : Aspaldi kanpaia erori eta oso handia zenez berriro igotzeko, gizon sendoak ezinik ibili ziren mailuaz apurtzeko, gizon ttipia agertu arte mailu txiki batekin beral zekien puntuan jo eta kanpaia desegin zen.

Elizaren barruan mandala azaldu zigun non elizan, potean eta udaletxeko armarían agertzen da. Mandala unibertsoaren mundua zirkularra.Hiru espata eta sugea Jesusen irudian, Vaticanon dago ere. Erromara daramala, horrek Elizal agindu du Euskalherria betidanik. Aginteak begiak eta belarriak herria ezagutzeko. Kanpaiak mankatzen zituen denbora.

Elizaren ondoan Hipilito Errektorearen etxea zegoen, Errektoreak oreka mantentzeaz gain, abilidadea zuen herrian gertatzen ziren arazoei aurre egiteko, adibidez semea tiro bat bota zuen aitari eta hórrela isugarrizko izkanbila suposatuko luke herriarentzat eta familiarentzat, kartzela eta ondorioaketa zurrumurruak zabalduko zutela herrian eta ingurunean, berak jakin ahala aitarekin hitz egin eta istripu bihurtu zen. JuanBatista Agirre errektorea zen.

Beste bi perla utzi zituen: lehenengoa eliz ondoan bizi zen Cabanas Oteiza pintorea falangekoa izan zan eta espainako armiarman dagoen arraoa berak margoztu zuen, baita Juan telleriaveste euskalduna  "cara al sol" abesti euskaldun baten soinuaz oinarritu zen..

Antonio Arrue , karlista eta euskalzalea  ez zen germanofiloa. Senatari franquista eta horri esker Euskaltzaindia, bertsolariak eta Egan aldizkaria posible izan ziren, bere garaian posible ziren Mirande, Arestil eta Ganduaga hitzaldiak1965.

Estereotipoak, euskaldunak eta baserritareak, alde ilunak, txistu ondo joten eta Donostira joan zen musika ikastera , gero Pablo Sorozabal izan zen beste asteasuar famatua.

Eskerrik asko Bernardo, hurengora arte.

24 may 2017

What do 15-year-olds really know about money?

What do 15-year-olds really know about money? 


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Globalisation and digital technologies have made financial services and products more widely accessible and at the same time more complex to handle. Responsibility for investing in higher education or planning for retirement is increasingly assumed by individuals. Young people are now more likely to encounter situations where they need to set their spending priorities, be aware of new types of fraud, know that some items that they want to buy will incur ongoing costs, and be alert that some purchasing offers are simply too good to be true.
Financial literacy performance is strongly correlated with performance in mathematics and reading.  Students should be helped to make the most of what they learn in subjects taught in compulsory education, which could also be complemented with more specific financial literacy content. Fostering the development of financial literacy skills in school could also be a way to offer students learning opportunities beyond those provided by parents and peers, to help overcome socio-economic inequalities, and to expose students to more balanced messages than those they might receive through media and advertising.

Pisa 2015 : student's financial literacy.


Los alumnos de 15 años empeoran en competencia financiera: uno de cada cuatro tiene problemas para reconocer una factura

LA MAYORÍA DISCUTE CON SUS PADRES DE DINERO    Casi el 80% de los alumnos españoles recibe regalos en forma de dinero de amigos y familiares; el 38% recibe una paga semanal; el 25% gana dinero a través de trabajos ocasionales, como cuidar niños o jardinería y el 23% gana dinero por trabajar fuera del horario escolar en época vacacional, por ejemplo. Eso sí, en España los alumnos con más nivel socioeconómico tienen un 40% menos de probabilidades de ganar dinero o trabajar fuera del hor ...

Leer mas: http://www.europapress.es/sociedad/educacion-00468/noticia-alumnos-15-anos-empeoran-competencia-financiera-cada-cuatro-tiene-problemas-reconocer-factura-20170524111559.html

12 may 2017

Do new teachers feel prepared for teaching?

Do new teachers feel prepared for teaching?

Results of the analysis suggest that teacher education institutions in many countries and economies may have been overemphasising content knowledge, to the detriment of other types of teacher knowledge. Through quality pre-service education and continuous professional learning, teachers can be well prepared in the pedagogy and practice of their subject area, as well as in the content. Then maybe one day, more new teachers may be able to smile, regardless of the season.

Systems that prioritise initial teacher preparation understand that a teacher’s initial education can help lay the foundations for teaching quality. However, improving the quality of initial teacher preparation in order to create ready-made professionals is neither realistic nor desirable. Rather, providing the conditions in which teachers can continue to grow and develop as professional learners – from their first days in the classroom and throughout their careers – is an important step towards improving the quality of education.

9 may 2017

OECD Skills Outlook 2017 Skills and Global Value Chains

OECD Skills Outlook 2017

Skills and Global Value Chains

The OECD Skills Outlook 2017 shows how countries can make the most of global value chains, socially and economically, by investing in the skills of their populations. Applying a “whole of government” approach is crucial. Countries need to develop a consistent set of skills-related policies such as education, employment protection legislation, and migration policies, in coordination with trade and innovation policies. This report presents new analyses based on the Survey of Adult Skills and the Trade in Value Added Database. It also explains what countries would need to do to specialise in technologically advanced industries.