17 jun 2006

La creatividad: los garajes siguen funcionando

Paul Cocksedge, joven creador británico que realiza sorprendentes diseños con la luz, acaba de exponer su trabajo en la Galería Rabih Hage de Londres. Algunas de las obras presentes ("Bombilla", "Zafiro luminoso de Bombay" y "Watt!") son experimentos con elementos sólidos, líquidos y gaseosos.Cocksedge nació en Londres en 1978, ha realizado sus estudios en la Universidad de Sheffield y se graduó en el Royal College of Art.

Paul, who are you and what makes you tick?

I've always been obsessive, hyperactive, wanting to know things. I'm not a scientist, so although the beauty in my work comes from chemical reactions and natural properties, I see it in a naïve way and get really excited, and try to spread that excitement. Scientists are really creative people; designers should be inspired by them.

I studied at the Royal College of Art in London, surrounded by different ways of discovering and making new things, which really helped. My first year after college was a struggle. I was making all my projects in my bedroom. Then suddenly I had an exhibition and it all grew very quickly.

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