15 mar 2013

Talis 2013 -¿Reciben los docentes el reconocimiento que merecen?

Teaching in Focus es una serie periódica de publicaciones cuyo objetivo principal es ofrecer información sobre los procesos educativos a través de encuestas a los profesores y a los directores de los centros.

 Are Teachers Getting the Recognition They Deserve?

 More than one in five teachers say they have never received
appraisal and feedback from their school principal.

  International Teaching Profession

  • How is teacher quality defined by policy makers, the teaching profession and society? What standards are set and by whom?
  • How is teacher quality evaluated? What systems are in place and how are the evaluations carried out?
  • How do evaluations contribute to school improvement and teacher self-efficacy? What impact can be expected on teaching and learning from teacher evaluation?

Using evaluation to improve teaching  (Andreas Schleicher - Introduction to the 2013 International Summit of the Teaching Profession, 13-14 March)

“Es nefasto elegir a los profesores mediante un examen”

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