26 may 2011

Mutilen porrota eskolarra / Boys crisis / chicos disruptivos

El fracaso escolar, ¿cuestión de sexo?

¿Qué hacer?

Una nueva perspectiva: reeducando la masculinidad.

To a growing list of books about the myths and mysteries of American boys and young males, Kimmel, a sociologist and author of Manhood In America, adds this deft exploration grounded in research. Published by HarperCollins, Guyland is based on more than 400 interviews over a four-year span with young men, ages 16–26


"I am happy to say that Michael Kimmel weaves his vision for an alternative "guyhood" into every chapter of his book. Though the bulk of his strategy for change comes towards the end of Guyland, the whole text is shot through with thoughtful and compelling suggestions for how things can be different."

La masculinidad y la reticencia al cambio


Boys we love them

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