28 ago 2016

Attainment and labour market outcomes among young tertiary graduates

Among 25-34 year-olds with a tertiary degree, the proportion of those who obtained at least amaster’s or equivalent degree varies from 4% in Chile to 79% in the Slovak Republic. 

Among 25-34 year-olds with a tertiary degree, the proportion of those who obtained at least a master’s or equivalent degree varies from 4% in Chile to 79% in the Slovak Republic. Tertiary attainment also varies across generations: while 49% of tertiary-educated 25-34 year-olds have a bachelor’s or equivalent degree as their highest educational attainment, this falls to 39% among 55-64 year-olds. Employment prospects tend to improve with tertiary attainment levels: the average employment rate of 25-34 year-olds with a doctorate is 88%, for those with a master’s or equivalent degree it is 84% and for those with at most a short-cycle or a bachelor’s degree it is around 80%. In some countries, however, increased tertiary attainment is not associated with improved employment prospects among 25-34 year-olds, except for doctorate holders. In other countries, short-cycle tertiary graduates are more likely to be employed than those with a bachelor’s degree.

Educational reforms are often grounded in a predominantly supply-side approach; and governments and higher education institutions often expect labour markets to adjust easily to these reforms. But in order to safeguard the future of young people it is much more important to look at the interaction between the supply and demand sides. In order to co-ordinate the acquisition of skills and qualifications with the exigencies of jobs and workplace needs, education and labour market stakeholders need to work together. In most countries, a well-balanced supply of bachelor’s and master’s degrees now seems to be in place, and that’s a major achievement. In these countries, the bachelor’s degree is now a well-established level of tertiary qualification, providing access to jobs and professions. But in a large group of countries, better policies are needed for both sides of the equation to match the supply with the demand for skills and qualifications.

9 ago 2016



Maria Pilar Zabala Artano
(2167 votantes, 52.09%)

2.- Juan Luis Uría Serrano (1230 votos, 29.57%)
3.- Rubén Belandia Fradejas (662 votos, 15.91%)

1.- Lander Martínez Hierro (1782 votos, 43.62%)
2.- Cristina Macazaga Sáenz (1527 votos, 37.38%)
3.- Eukene Arana Varas (1515 votos, 37.09%)
4.- Julen Bollain Urbieta (1507 votos, 36.89%)
5.- Juan Luis Uría Serrano (1439 votos, 35.23%)
6.- Tinixara Guanche Suarez (1404 votos, 34.37%)
7.- Yahcov Ruiz Chico (1379 votos, 33.76%)
8.- Vanesa Baños Viñé (1326 votos, 32.46%)
9.- Edurne García Larrimbe (1314 votos, 32.17%)
10.- Iñigo Cabieces Casares (1302 votos, 31.87%)
11.- Maitane Fatoorehchi Pérez De Mendiguren (1294 votos, 31.68%)
12.- Amaia Arkotxa Pinedo (1280 votos, 31.33%)
13.- Mari Carmen Salido Sierra (1259 votos, 30.82%)
14.- Andeka Larrea Larrondo (1251 votos, 30.62%)
15.- Fernando Iglesias García (1249 votos, 30.58%)
16.- Sergio Campo Lladó (1224 votos, 29.96%)
17.- Ángel Jimenez Esquilas (1219 votos, 29.84%)
18.- Nerea Mendicute San Miguel (1180 votos, 28.89%)
19.- Nagore Gonzalez Anton (1175 votos, 28.76%)
20.- Igor Román Amado (1159 votos, 28.37%)

Pili Zabala será la candidata a lehendakari de Podemos

Zabala, %52ko babesarekin

Pili Zabala izango da Ahal Dugu-ren lehendakarigaia irailaren 25ean egingo diren Eusko Legebiltzarrerako hauteskundeetan. Hala berretsi dute zerrendak osatzeko primarioetan parte hartu duten lagunen erdiek. Alderdiaren zuzendaritzak proposatutako hautagaia da Zabala, eta ildo horretako beste 50 kide izango ditu alboan Arabako, Bizkaiko eta Gipuzkoako zerrendetan. 22, berriz, zuzendaritzarekin kritikoa den taldeko kideak dira, eta bat, antikapitalisten ildokoa.
Las bases de Podemos aprueban la coalición con Ezker Anitza y Equo